OverTheWire Natas Level 23 Walkthrough

This post is a walkthrough for level 23 of Natas, which gets us into some more PHP functions. This post shows how to evaluate the code and get the solution. What is Natas?

OverTheWire Natas Level 22 Walkthrough

This is a quick write-up for level 22 of Natas. The level itself is pretty straightforward compared to earlier levels, but still demonstrates a useful tool/trick to have when searching for bugs.

OverTheWire Natas Level 21 Walkthrough

Level 21 of Natas is covered in this blog post, including source code analysis and using Burp Suite to get the flag. This is a continuation of several levels that point out various

OverTheWire Natas Level 20 Walkthrough

The next level in Natas continues along with the PHPSESSID theme. This time, the app is storing session data outside of our each, but is implementing its own way of processing session data.

OverTheWire Natas Level 19 Walkthrough

Level 19 of OverTheWire’s Natas is a continuation of level 18, with a bit more scripting work involved. This walkthrough covers the solution for level 19, including creating a Python script. What