If you are doing a Hack The Box challenge, bug bounty, or a “real world” security assessment, you use Burp Suite or manually browse a website to find linked pages. But what about
This is write-up of the Tesseract (OCR-as-a-service) challenge from the Buckeye CTF this past weekend (Oct 23-24). Thank you to the organizers for this event, it was a fun challenge.
This is also
You might have an overwhelming inbox already, but weekly or monthly newsletters can be a great way to stay on top of infosec news, find new resources, and build a bit of continued
Today’s blog post will cover git basics. Git is a version control system, which lets you easily store and manage historical versions of your codebase (no more emailing codeUpdate_Final_10.22.
Look, it’d clearly be easier if the world could all get on Python3, or if the split had done a better job with backwards compatibility. But that didn’t happen, and sometimes